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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tech-No!: The Ideal World of Verification

Ever wondered how an ideal world of verification would look like? I would probably see one when the following criteria are met.

  • Infinite Budget
  • No Deadlines or time limit
  • Infinite resources, consisting of verification experts
  • An amazing specification which captures every possible detail of the design and frozen
  • A client or architect not making any change requests
  • An amazing EDA tool which supports every possible feature
  • A very high end machine grid to run your jobs

So what else would one need in this ideal world? Given that these are met how would your verification environment look like?


Anonymous said...

In an ideal world there would be no bugs, everything would work as specified, and there would be no need for verification :)

Pradeep Salla said...

Thats why I called it the ideal world of verification. A design with not bugs would be an "Ideal Design World" :)